Kim Jang-Ho Jay (Professor)
  • Address
    N402, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Hall I, 134 Sinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, Korea
  • Tel
  • Fax
  • Education
    93.09 - 98.02
    Northwestern University, Ph.D
    Major : Structural Engineering and Mechanics
    “Constitutive Experiments and Modeling of Quasi-brittle Materials such as Concrete, Fiber Composite, and Ice."
    92.08 - 93.06
    University of California, Berkeley, M.S.
    Major : Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials
    “Inelastic Modeling of Concrete Beam-Column Joint"
    88.09 - 92.06
    University of California, Los Angeles, B.S.
    Major : Civil Engineering
  • Work Experience
    15.09 - Present
    School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea
    10.03 - 15.08
    Associate Professor
    School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea
    07.03 - 10.02
    Assistant Professor
    School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea
    06.09 - 07.02
    Research Professor
    Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
    06.03 - 07.02
    Associate Professor
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sejong University in Seoul, Korea
    03.03 - 06.02
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sejong University in Seoul, Korea
    99.03 - 03.02
    Permanent Lecturer lecturer
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sejong, University in Seoul, Korea
    98.03 - 99.02
    Senior Member of Technical Staff (SMTS), Department of International Nuclear Safety, Sandia National Laboratory
  • Institute Activities
    1. ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) member
    2. ACI (American Concrete Institute) member
    3. KSCE (Korea Society of Civil Engineers) member
    4. KCI (Korea Concrete Institute) member & director
    5. KCI (Korea Concrete Institute) Chief of International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
    6. ACF (Asian Concrete Federation) member & director
  • Award Experience
    2011 NRF Award
    2011 KISTEP Award
    YONSEI UNIV. Award
    IIFC Paper Award
    KSCE Member Award
    93 - 95
    Walter. P. Murphy Graduate Research Fellowship at Northwestern Univ.
  • Book
    Byun,K.J, Kim, J.H., Nam, J.W., Kim, H.J. (2007.08) Silica Fume Concrete, Kimoondang, 2nd Chairman